I most recently hosted an InnerNerds NerdTalk on stage at SubCulture in NoHo, New York, with the topic The Time We're Spending on Smart Phones and Social Media:
Our gatherings typically bring together a pair of subject-matter experts who are deeply knowledgeable around a specific topic or question. These experts can answer member questions with the color & context that permit real understanding. Our gatherings, which we fondly refer to as NerdTalks, are not fireside chats and are not lectures. The presentations made by our subject-matter experts are brief, allowing us to quickly move to the business of getting your questions answered, so you can gain the deep understanding that you’re looking for.
I am also host of, and am still developing, a number of podcasts and other productions. Though The Three-Fifths Podcast, as listed below, is a historical podcast with thirty five episodes, the entire theme of this show is currently being revisited and should launch again in the fall of 2018.
Please visit the sites below for samples of my work, and stay dialed in for updates and upcoming performances!
InnerNerds NerdTalk - Behind the Scenes, by Han Photography